Thursday, January 24, 2008

Random Thoughts - Clinton bashing and other things

I haven't written anything in a few I need a break here at here it goes:

- What is such the big fuss about Heath Ledger dying?.....he made one big movie in which he portrayed a gay cowboy.....the media is making a bigger deal about Ledger's death than they did about Johnny Podres.....and let me tell you, Podres will always have more status in Brooklyn than this Ledger kid....

- Straight-up Hillary Clinton cannot beat Barak Obama.....that is why she brought her husband into the basically Obama has to beat both Hillary and Mr. Ego.....

- I love how the Clintons act like this is not about them - they are for the people.....yeh right, it has always been about the Clintons and will always be about the Clintons.....

- Bill Clinton is making himself out as some egomaniac jerk who is power hungry.....

- Remember when the talk shows used to rip on Chelsea Clinton when she was a little girl.....she's not bad looking now....

- I hate it when black people say that Bill Clinton is more black than Obama.....Bill Clinton is WHITE.....deny it all you want, the fact remains that Bill Clinton is WHITE....Hillary Clinton is WHITE.....they will always be WHITE.....

- Is Ed Rendell positioning himself to be Hillary's vice-president?....

- If she does become president, is Hillary going to shed a tear whenever things get tough for her?......ohhh booo hooo....poor Hillary.....

- If you are leading in the polls, expect to get ripped by your opponents and the media.....that's the way it goes.....

- Is the Democratic Party in such poor shape that they have to have another Clinton represent their party? mean there is not one other viable, qualified Democrat in this nation?......

- I just used the men's room here at work....I hate it when there is still a lingering smell of a dump with a hint of aftershave mixed in....

- Remember, eat fish on Friday.....

- Remember when Fred Thompson was going to be our next president?.....

- Whatever happened to Donna Rice?.....

- Why doesn't Dennis Kucinich just go away already?.....

- I love it when Tim Russert stuck it to Hillary.....

- Poor Hillary.....we can't blame her though.....we all know that she was born with a silver broomstick stuck up her ass.....

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