Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hottest Cub and White Sox fan contest in full gear

The Chicago Sun-Times is running a Hottest Fan Contest for fans of the White Sox and Cubs...if you think you are hot and a fan of one of the teams, you better check this out...
  • Hot Fan Contest

  • In a non-sports story, Barbara Ross of The Daily News writes how a group of strippers from the Hot Lap Dance Club reported that the owner would take a "cut" if he caught them having sex with a client... "Their voices dripping with disgust, two disillusioned lap dancers from a busted midtown strip club described the owner as a pervert who took a cut when he caught his employees having sex with clients." ...
  • Barbara Ross

  • William Rhoden of The New York Times writes about Willie Mays and Hank Aaron talking about baseball... "But the most significant part of the conversation concerned the competition between Mays and Aaron. There has been speculation since my childhood that there was longstanding tension between these titans of baseball. Some of it was rooted in the perennial question of the time: Who is better, Aaron or Mays?" ...
  • William Rhoden

  • Mike Lupica of the Daily News rips Brett Favre as the latest superstar who refuses to go out with class... "But the more you watch Favre behave this way, which means like a spoiled brat, the more you see him try to make people forget how he has given the Packers everything over a long and compelling career at Lambeau, the more you realize something: A good goodbye is more rare in sports than a baseball player hitting for the cycle." ...
  • Mike Lupica

  • Jay Mariotti of the Chicago Sun-Times writes how White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen needs to worry more about his team's slim lead rather than baiting an opposing relief pitcher... "Last week, as he was striking out Jim Thome and Paul Konerko to end a ninth-inning Sox rally, Wilson gestured excitedly as a lot of closers do these days. He said he was fired up because Guillen was trashing him with dugout insults. Come on down, C.J., and take your profane lumps." ...
  • Jay Mariotti
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