Friday, May 6, 2011

Martha Solien??

There's a good possibility that I'm letting this whole crafting thing get wildly out of control.  First, I get the gossip chair...then I get the side table...I have a random bottle of spray paint in my I've got these..Some funky horse books from the 50's.  For some reason, I just really like the yellow one.  No particular reason.  It just calls to me.  The Frog book?  I mean, who names a horse Frog?  Then again, who had a cat named Mouse?  This girl.  Granted, I can take no credit for that but I think I can claim a membership in the crazy naming club with Midge.  Anyway, I digress....What am I going to do with these vintage lovelies?

Make them into sweet clutches! Yup!  I've put my reference librarian skills to good use and I've read a number of tutorials and watched a video podcast.  Won't there be a significant amount of sewing involved?  Well, let's be clear--I plan on making these with the least amount of sewing possible.  And by "least amount" I mean "none".  Unless it's 100% unavoidable.  Only time will tell.  I promise to take pictures so you can follow my madness!

Oh, and I'm planning on finding fabric to cover the gossip chair cushion as well as the cushions for the Pottery Barn chairs I have.  I'm suddenly having a bad feeling that some part of this is going to require something other than the hand sewing that I'm capable of.  Maybe just lots of glue....or velcro...hmmmm

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