Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney

Hola stay at home and working mommies and the people who love them! By now you’ve probably all heard of the truly outrageous and despicable things that Hilary Rosen said about the sweet, loving and all around wonderful Ann Romney. No? Well, basically Hilary got loose and ended up saying “Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life.”

OH SNAP! It’s on now bitch!

Of all the woman-on-woman crimes that happen in the world, and they happen A LOT, the one I truly hate the most is the stay at home wife/mom vs the working wife/mom. There might be no greater waste of time and energy than this battle. Mostly it pisses me off because once again, for a country full of people who want to be left alone to live their lives, we all sure do love to tell everyone else how to live there’s.

But, more importantly, Hilary’s criticisms off Ann are completely unfair and wayyyyy off base. While it’s true that Ann might not have held a job outside of the house, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t ever had an important job. This is where people like Hilary will never understand people like Anne.

First of all, being Mitt Romney’s wife is definitely a fulltime job. Just taking care of Mitt would be a fulltime job for most people. Every night Ann has to download all of the day’s events and activities from Mitt’s CPU and go through the shutdown procedures. THEN, the next morning, she has to start him back up, make sure all his circuits are running properly and upload the day’s schedule, speeches, off the cuff remarks, awkward jokes and whatever else. After that, she has to run a few tests to make sure all the info has been processed and he’s ready to send out into public.

And don’t forget that Ann also doesn’t just have a household to run, she has like FIVE households to run. She’s had to keep up the family’s mansions in Massachusetts, Michigan, Utah, Washington and the little 12,000 square foot shack they’re building in California. Keeping up with staff for multiple houses plus vacation homes in Canada, France and certain Caribbean Islands known for strict bank secrecy laws is definitely hard work!

Mrs. Romney has to make sure that the staff is following her directions in each location and see to it that anyone who was fired the previous day is quickly deported. She has to monitor the landscapers and ensure that the shrubs are sculpted to resemble Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater in the gardens. Then she has to make the ice sculptor of Joseph Smith Jesus Christ is properly presented before each meal in the evenings.

Along with those things, Ann has to monitor the maintenance schedules of all her Cadillacs, the private jet, the family yacht, various other watercraft such as Sea-Doos and a couple of hovercraft. On top of all that she also has to go out and help Mitt run for President because she’s the only charisma that campaign has.

When someone is this busy just trying to keep up the household(s) you can see how they’ve never had a private sector job. Hell, you can even see how she wouldn’t have even known that she had a couple of Swiss bank accounts!

So, Mizzzz Rosen, as I think you understand now, you were very much out of line and unfair to Ann. Shame on you!

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