Thursday, December 31, 2009

China's Best Sex Scandals of Years Near

Shanghaiist posts a list of the top 6 sex scandal stories of 2005-2009, including the usual suspects such as Zhang Ziyi and Edison. Nothing to match what goes on here in the U.S. on a daily basis, but not bad for an emerging country. Just imagine what would happen if they had open internet, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and all the other social networking sites.

3. Zhang Ziyi and her butt-sniffing fiance

This was the first sex scandal to hit China in the year 2009 but there is technically no "sex" in it, just lots of butt-sniffing. In January, 81 pictures were released by a paparazzi photographer from of Zhang Ziyi and her Israeli multimillionaire boyfriend Vivi Nevo canoodling on St Barth's island in the French Caribbean.

Since then, Zhang hasn't had that much of a great year. Latest rumours have it that she's involved in a dispute with a businesswoman friend who now claims she's cheated her of 200 million yuan. Her wedding plans with Nevo have also been called off and he's been seen with other women. Despite all this, Zhang can rest in the knowledge that she's been immortalised on t-shirts and remains Taiwan's most googled person in the year 2009.

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